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Quotidian Sounds




...of or occurring every day; daily.

Welcome to the rumbles, gusts, sighs, chuckles, chirrups, splashes, twitters, creaks, drips, and gentle susurrations of everyday life in South Wales:
Quotidian Sounds.

Ever turned down the radio so you can 'think more clearly'? These ambient landscapes are the complete antithesis of this: perfect for study, sleep, relaxation and focus, these soundscapes tread the fine line between gentle engagement whilst not demanding attention. A warm, unobtrusive, and
 indulgent massage for the ears.

Carefully recorded and lovingly curated, mixed, and mastered in a little semi-detached in West Cardiff: at one end, the unremarkable & forgettable and, at the other, the fanciful and the fantastic. The point at which the two overlap and become indistinguishable from each other forms the foundation of Quotidian Sounds: expansive, sonic landscapes captured and kneaded out over long, almost endless, stretches of time.

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